Chapter 9

Chapter 9 is all about e-commerce, now an everyday thing for most people. It discusses B2B- a business selling to another business, B2C – Business to consumer which is what most e-commerce entails, an example would be myself buying a product from Amazon, and C2C which would be myself buying a product or service from another person. Unfortunately, clothing and televisions are not the only products being sold online now, cable TV is slowly coming to an end as a wide variety of streaming platforms are now on the market as subscription services. I'm getting tired of having to pay for certain subscriptions to watch certain shows, it's ridiculous and the prices are outrageous, you can't even watch football games because they are on some of these platforms. Privacy concerns arise in e-commerce with consumers being unsure of the quality of purchases, if the company is legitimate or if they are going to have their information stolen. What I would say to them is if you purchase something from the store in person you can buy the product online. It's up to the consumer to make the purchase, if you are stuck between ordering something from Amazon or then maybe you should do some in person shopping. 



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